Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Satellite imagery animation widget, which can be used to interactively 
produce animations for multiple DEA products.

# Import required packages
import fiona
import sys
import datacube
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datacube.utils.geometry import CRS
from ipyleaflet import (
from traitlets import Unicode
from ipywidgets import (
import json
import itertools
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
from io import BytesIO
import ipywidgets as widgets
import datetime
from skimage import exposure
from skimage.filters import unsharp_mask

from datacube.utils import masking
from datacube.utils.geometry import Geometry
from datacube.utils.masking import mask_invalid_data
import as deawidgets
from dea_tools.dask import create_local_dask_cluster
from dea_tools.spatial import reverse_geocode

import warnings

# WMS params and satellite style bands
sat_params = {
    "Landsat": {
        "products": [
        "styles": {
            "True colour": ("true_colour", ["nbart_red", "nbart_green", "nbart_blue"]),
            "False colour": (
                ["nbart_swir_1", "nbart_nir", "nbart_green"],
    "Sentinel-2": {
        "products": [
        "styles": {
            "True colour": ("simple_rgb", ["nbart_red", "nbart_green", "nbart_blue"]),
            "False colour": (
                ["nbart_swir_2", "nbart_nir_1", "nbart_green"],
    "Sentinel-2 and Landsat": {
        "products": [
        "styles": {
            "True colour": ("simple_rgb", ["nbart_red", "nbart_green", "nbart_blue"]),
            "False colour": (
                ["nbart_common_swir_1", "nbart_common_nir", "nbart_green"],

def make_box_layout():
    return Layout(
        #         border='solid 1px black',
        margin="0px 10px 10px 0px",
        padding="5px 5px 5px 5px",

def create_expanded_button(description, button_style):
    return Button(
        layout=Layout(width="auto", height="auto"),

[docs] def update_map_layers(self, update_basemap=False): """ Updates map to add new DEA layers, styles or basemap when selected using menu options. Triggers data reload by resetting load params and output arrays. """ # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load self.timeseries_ds = None self.load_params = None self.query_params = None if update_basemap: # Clear all layers and add basemap self.map_layers.clear_layers() self.map_layers.add_layer(self.basemap)
def extract_data(self): # Connect to datacube database dc = datacube.Datacube(app="Exporting satellite images") # Configure local dask cluster client = create_local_dask_cluster(return_client=True, display_client=True) # Convert to geopolygon geopolygon = Geometry(geom=self.gdf_drawn.geometry[0], # Create query after adjusting interval time to UTC by # adding a UTC offset of -10 hours. This results issues # on the east coast of Australia where satelite overpasses # can occur on either side of 24:00 hours UTC start_date = np.datetime64(self.start_date) - np.timedelta64(10, "h") end_date = np.datetime64(self.end_date) + np.timedelta64(14, "h") self.query_params = { "time": (str(start_date), str(end_date)), "geopolygon": geopolygon, } # Find matching datasets dss = [ dc.find_datasets(product=i, **self.query_params) for i in sat_params[self.dealayer]["products"] ] dss = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dss)) # If data is found if len(dss) > 0: # Get CRS crs = str(dss[0].crs) self.load_params = { "measurements": sat_params[self.dealayer]["styles"][][1], "resolution": (-self.resolution, self.resolution), "output_crs": crs, "group_by": "solar_day", "dask_chunks": {"time": 1, "x": 2048, "y": 2048}, "resampling": {"*": "bilinear", "oa_fmask": "nearest", "fmask": "nearest"}, "skip_broken_datasets": True, } # Load data from dea_tools.datahandling import load_ard timeseries_ds = load_ard( dc=dc, products=sat_params[self.dealayer]["products"], min_gooddata=1.0 - (self.max_cloud_cover / 100), ls7_slc_off=False, mask_pixel_quality=self.cloud_mask, **self.load_params, **self.query_params, ) # Set invalid nodata pixels to NaN timeseries_ds = mask_invalid_data(timeseries_ds) # If resampling freq specified if self.resample_freq: print(f"\nResampling data to {self.resample_freq} frequency") timeseries_ds = timeseries_ds.resample(time=self.resample_freq).median() # load into memory timeseries_ds.load() # Else if no data is returned, return None else: timeseries_ds = None # Close down the dask client # client.shutdown() client.close() return timeseries_ds def plot_data(self, fname): # Data to plot to_plot = self.timeseries_ds # If rolling median specified if self.rolling_median: with self.status_info: print( f"\nApplying rolling median ({self.rolling_median_window} timesteps window)" ) to_plot = to_plot.rolling( time=int(self.rolling_median_window), center=True, min_periods=1 ).median() # Raise by power to dampen bright features and enhance dark. # Raise vmin and vmax by same amount to ensure proper stretch if self.power < 1.0: with self.status_info: print(f"\nApplying power transformation ({self.power})") to_plot = to_plot ** self.power # Apply unsharp masking to enhance overall dynamic range, # and improve fine scale detail if self.unsharp_mask: with self.status_info: print( f"\nApplying unsharp masking with {self.unsharp_mask_radius} " f"radius and {self.unsharp_mask_amount} amount" ) from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity funcs_list = [ rescale_intensity, lambda x: unsharp_mask( x, radius=self.unsharp_mask_radius, amount=self.unsharp_mask_amount ), ] else: funcs_list = None from dea_tools.plotting import xr_animation xr_animation( output_path=fname, ds=to_plot.dropna(dim="time", how="all"), show_text="", bands=sat_params[self.dealayer]["styles"][][1], interval=self.interval, width_pixels=self.width, show_gdf=deacoastlines_overlay(to_plot) if self.deacoastlines else None, gdf_kwargs={"linewidth": 3}, percentile_stretch=(self.vmin, self.vmax), image_proc_funcs=funcs_list, show_date="%Y" if self.resample_freq == "1Y" else "%b %Y", annotation_kwargs={"fontsize": 75}, ) # Add plot preview below map and finish with self.status_info: print(f"\nImage successfully exported to:\n{fname}.") def deacoastlines_overlay(ds): import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd import matplotlib from shapely.geometry import box, Point from dea_tools.coastal import get_coastlines # Get bounding box of data xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = ds.geobox.geographic_extent.boundingbox bounds = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] # Load data deacl_gdf = get_coastlines(bbox=bounds) # Clip to extent of satellite data bbox = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[ds.geobox.extent.geom], deacl_gdf = gpd.overlay(deacl_gdf, bbox.to_crs( deacl_gdf = deacl_gdf.dissolve("year") # values("year", ascending=True) # Apply colours norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=len(deacl_gdf.index)) cmap ="inferno") rgba = cmap(norm(deacl_gdf.reset_index().index)) deacl_gdf["color"] = list(rgba) deacl_gdf["start_time"] = pd.to_datetime(deacl_gdf.index) + pd.DateOffset(months=0) deacl_gdf = deacl_gdf.sort_index() if len(deacl_gdf.index) > 0: return deacl_gdf else: return None
[docs] class animation_app(HBox): def __init__(self): super().__init__() ###################### # INITIAL ATTRIBUTES # ###################### # Basemap self.basemap_list = [ ("ESRI World Imagery", basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.Esri.WorldImagery)), ("Open Street Map", basemap_to_tiles(basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik)), ] self.basemap = self.basemap_list[0][1] # Satellite data end_date = start_date = datetime.datetime( year=end_date.year - 3, month=end_date.month, ) self.start_date = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") self.end_date = end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") self.dealayer_list = [ ("Landsat", "Landsat"), ("Sentinel-2", "Sentinel-2"), ("Sentinel-2 and Landsat", "Sentinel-2 and Landsat") ] self.dealayer = self.dealayer_list[0][1] # Styles self.styles_list = ["True colour", "False colour"] = self.styles_list[0] # Analysis params self.resolution = 30 self.vmin = 0.01 self.vmax = 0.99 self.power = 1.0 self.output_list = [("MP4", "mp4"), ("GIF", "gif")] self.output_format = self.output_list[0][1] self.rolling_median = False self.rolling_median_window = 20 self.unsharp_mask = False self.unsharp_mask_radius = 20 self.unsharp_mask_amount = 0.3 self.max_size = False self.width = 900 self.interval = 100 self.cloud_mask = False self.max_cloud_cover = 20 self.resample_list = [ ("None", False), ("Monthly", "1M"), ("Quarterly", "Q-DEC"), ("Yearly", "1Y"), ] self.resample_freq = self.resample_list[0][1] self.deacoastlines = False # Drawing params = None self.action = None self.gdf_drawn = None # Data load params self.timeseries_ds = None self.load_params = None self.query_params = None ################## # HEADER FOR APP # ################## # Create the Header widget header_title_text = ( "<h3>Digital Earth Australia satellite imagery animations</h3>" ) instruction_text = ( "<p>Select the desired satellite data, imagery date range " "and image style, then zoom in and draw a rectangle to " "select an area export as a satellite imagery time-series " "animation.</p>" ) self.header = deawidgets.create_html(f"{header_title_text}{instruction_text}") self.header.layout = make_box_layout() ##################################### # HANDLER FUNCTION FOR DRAW CONTROL # ##################################### # Define the action to take once something is drawn on the map def update_geojson(target, action, geo_json): # Get data from action self.action = action # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load self.timeseries_ds = None self.load_params = None self.query_params = None # Convert data to geopandas json_data = json.dumps(geo_json) binary_data = json_data.encode() io = BytesIO(binary_data) gdf = gpd.read_file(io) = "EPSG:4326" # Convert to Albers and compute area gdf_drawn_albers = gdf.copy().to_crs("EPSG:3577") m2_per_ha = 10000 area = gdf_drawn_albers.area.values[0] / m2_per_ha polyarea_label = "Total area of satellite data to extract" polyarea_text = f"<b>{polyarea_label}</b>: {area:.2f} ha</sup>" # Test area size if self.max_size: confirmation_text = ( '<span style="color: #33cc33"> ' "<b>(Overriding maximum size limit; use with caution as may lead to memory issues)</b></span>" ) self.header.value = ( header_title_text + instruction_text + polyarea_text + confirmation_text ) self.gdf_drawn = gdf elif area <= 50000: confirmation_text = ( '<span style="color: #33cc33"> ' "<b>(Area to extract falls within " "recommended 50000 ha limit)</b></span>" ) self.header.value = ( header_title_text + instruction_text + polyarea_text + confirmation_text ) self.gdf_drawn = gdf else: warning_text = ( '<span style="color: #ff5050"> ' "<b>(Area to extract is too large, " "please select an area less than 50000 " "ha)</b></span>" ) self.header.value = ( header_title_text + instruction_text + polyarea_text + warning_text ) self.gdf_drawn = None ########################### # WIDGETS FOR APP OUTPUTS # ########################### self.status_info = Output(layout=make_box_layout()) self.output_plot = Output(layout=make_box_layout()) ######################################### # MAP WIDGET, DRAWING TOOLS, WMS LAYERS # ######################################### # Create drawing tools desired_drawtools = ["rectangle"] draw_control = deawidgets.create_drawcontrol(desired_drawtools) # Begin by displaying an empty layer group, and update the group with desired WMS on interaction. self.map_layers = LayerGroup(layers=()) = "Map Overlays" # Create map widget self.m = deawidgets.create_map(map_center=(-33.96, 151.20), zoom_level=13) self.m.layout = make_box_layout() # Add tools to map widget self.m.add_control(draw_control) self.m.add_control(SearchControl( position="topleft", url='{s}', zoom=13, # 'Village / Suburb' level zoom marker=Marker(draggable=False) )) self.m.add_layer(self.map_layers) # Update all maps to starting defaults update_map_layers(self, update_basemap=True) ############################ # WIDGETS FOR APP CONTROLS # ############################ # Create parameter widgets dropdown_basemap = deawidgets.create_dropdown( self.basemap_list, self.basemap_list[0][1] ) dropdown_dealayer = deawidgets.create_dropdown( self.dealayer_list, self.dealayer_list[0][1] ) dropdown_output = deawidgets.create_dropdown( self.output_list, self.output_list[0][1] ) date_picker_start = deawidgets.create_datepicker( value=start_date, ) date_picker_end = deawidgets.create_datepicker( value=end_date, ) dropdown_styles = deawidgets.create_dropdown( self.styles_list, self.styles_list[0] ) slider_percentile = widgets.FloatRangeSlider( value=[0.01, 0.99], min=0, max=1, step=0.001, description="", layout={"width": "85%"}, ) run_button = create_expanded_button("Generate animation", "info") floatslider_max_cloud_cover = widgets.IntSlider( value=20, min=0, max=100, step=1, description="", layout={"width": "85%"}, ) checkbox_rolling_median = deawidgets.create_checkbox( self.rolling_median, "Apply rolling median to produce smooth, cloud-free animations", layout={"width": "85%"}, ) text_rolling_median_window = widgets.IntText( value=20, step=1, description="Rolling window (timesteps)", layout={ "width": "85%", "margin": "0px", "padding": "0px", "display": "none", }, ) # Expandable advanced section text_interval = widgets.IntText( value=100, description="", step=50, layout={"width": "95%"} ) text_resolution = widgets.FloatText( value=30, description="", layout={"width": "95%", "margin": "0px", "padding": "0px"}, ) text_width = widgets.IntText( value=900, description="", step=50, layout={"width": "95%"} ) dropdown_resampling = deawidgets.create_dropdown( self.resample_list, self.resample_freq, description="", layout={"width": "95%"}, ) checkbox_cloud_mask = deawidgets.create_checkbox( self.cloud_mask, "Mask out cloudy pixels", layout={"width": "95%"} ) slider_power = widgets.FloatSlider( value=1.0, min=0.01, max=1.0, step=0.01, description="", layout={"width": "95%"}, ) checkbox_unsharp_mask = deawidgets.create_checkbox( self.unsharp_mask, "Enable", layout={"width": "95%"} ) text_unsharp_mask_radius = widgets.FloatText( value=20, step=1, description="Radius", layout={ "width": "95%", "margin": "0px", "padding": "0px", "display": "none", }, ) text_unsharp_mask_amount = widgets.FloatText( value=0.3, step=0.1, description="Amount", layout={ "width": "95%", "margin": "0px", "padding": "0px", "display": "none", }, ) checkbox_deacoastlines = deawidgets.create_checkbox( self.deacoastlines, "Add DEA Coastlines overlay", layout={"width": "95%"} ) checkbox_max_size = deawidgets.create_checkbox( self.max_size, "Enable", layout={"width": "95%"} ) expand_box = widgets.VBox( [ HTML("Frame interval (milliseconds):"), text_interval, HTML("</br>Resolution (metres):"), text_resolution, HTML("</br>Width of output animation in pixels:"), text_width, HTML("</br>Apply temporal resampling:"), dropdown_resampling, HTML("</br>"), checkbox_cloud_mask, checkbox_deacoastlines, HTML("</br>Apply power transformation to darken bright features:"), slider_power, HTML("</br>Apply unsharp masking to sharpen imagery:"), checkbox_unsharp_mask, text_unsharp_mask_radius, text_unsharp_mask_amount, HTML( "</br>Override maximum size limit: (use with caution; may cause memory issues/crashes)" ), checkbox_max_size, ], ) expand = widgets.Accordion( children=[expand_box], selected_index=None, ) expand.set_title(0, "Advanced") # Add specific dialogs to class so they can be modified self.text_resolution = text_resolution self.text_unsharp_mask_radius = text_unsharp_mask_radius self.text_unsharp_mask_amount = text_unsharp_mask_amount self.text_rolling_median_window = text_rolling_median_window #################################### # UPDATE FUNCTIONS FOR EACH WIDGET # #################################### # Run update functions whenever various widgets are changed. date_picker_start.observe(self.update_start_date, "value") date_picker_end.observe(self.update_end_date, "value") dropdown_basemap.observe(self.update_basemap, "value") dropdown_dealayer.observe(self.update_dealayer, "value") dropdown_styles.observe(self.update_styles, "value") slider_percentile.observe(self.update_slider_percentile, "value") floatslider_max_cloud_cover.observe( self.update_floatslider_max_cloud_cover, "value" ) checkbox_rolling_median.observe(self.update_checkbox_rolling_median, "value") text_rolling_median_window.observe( self.update_text_rolling_median_window, "value" ) dropdown_output.observe(self.update_output, "value") run_button.on_click(self.run_app) draw_control.on_draw(update_geojson) # Advanced params text_resolution.observe(self.update_text_resolution, "value") slider_power.observe(self.update_slider_power, "value") text_width.observe(self.update_width, "value") text_interval.observe(self.update_interval, "value") dropdown_resampling.observe(self.update_dropdown_resampling, "value") checkbox_cloud_mask.observe(self.update_checkbox_cloud_mask, "value") checkbox_unsharp_mask.observe(self.update_checkbox_unsharp_mask, "value") text_unsharp_mask_radius.observe(self.update_text_unsharp_mask_radius, "value") text_unsharp_mask_amount.observe(self.update_text_unsharp_mask_amount, "value") checkbox_deacoastlines.observe(self.update_deacoastlines, "value") checkbox_max_size.observe(self.update_checkbox_max_size, "value") ################################## # COLLECTION OF ALL APP CONTROLS # ################################## parameter_selection = VBox( [ HTML("<b>Start date:</b>"), date_picker_start, HTML("<b>End date:</b>"), date_picker_end, HTML("<b>Satellite imagery:</b>"), dropdown_dealayer, HTML("<b>Style:</b>"), dropdown_styles, HTML("<b>Colour percentile stretch:</b>"), slider_percentile, HTML("<b>Maximum cloud cover (%):</b>"), floatslider_max_cloud_cover, checkbox_rolling_median, text_rolling_median_window, HTML("</br><b>Output file format:</b>"), dropdown_output, HTML("</br>"), expand, ] ) map_selection = VBox( [ HTML("</br><b>Map overlay:</b>"), dropdown_basemap, ] ) parameter_selection.layout = make_box_layout() map_selection.layout = make_box_layout() ############################### # SPECIFICATION OF APP LAYOUT # ############################### # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 # --------------------------------------------- # 0 | Header | Map sel. | # |-------------------------------------------| # 1 | Params | | # 2 | | | # 3 | | | # 4 | | Map | # 5 | | | # |--------| | # 6 | Run | | # |-------------------------------------------| # 7 | Status info | Figure/output | # 8 | | | # 9 | | | # 10 | | | # 11 --------------------------------------------- # Create the layout #[rowspan, colspan] grid = GridspecLayout(12, 10, height="1500px", width="auto") # Header and controls grid[0, :8] = self.header grid[0, 8:] = map_selection grid[1:6, 0:2] = parameter_selection grid[6, 0:2] = run_button # Status info, map and plot grid[1:7, 2:] = self.m # map grid[7:, 0:4] = self.status_info grid[7:, 4:] = self.output_plot # Display using HBox children attribute self.children = [grid] ###################################### # DEFINITION OF ALL UPDATE FUNCTIONS # ###################################### # Update date def update_start_date(self, change): self.start_date = str( # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) # Update date def update_end_date(self, change): self.end_date = str( # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) # Update basemap def update_basemap(self, change): self.basemap = update_map_layers(self, update_basemap=True) # Change layers shown on the map def update_dealayer(self, change): self.dealayer = if == "Landsat": self.text_resolution.value = 30 elif == "Sentinel-2": self.text_resolution.value = 10 elif == "Sentinel-2 and Landsat": self.text_resolution.value = 30 # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) # Set imagery style def update_styles(self, change): = # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) # Update good data slider def update_floatslider_max_cloud_cover(self, change): self.max_cloud_cover = # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) # Set output file format def update_output(self, change): self.output_format = # Update colour stretch def update_slider_percentile(self, change): self.vmin, self.vmax = # Update power transform def update_slider_power(self, change): self.power = # Enable unsharp masking and show/hide custom params def update_checkbox_unsharp_mask(self, change): self.unsharp_mask = # Show unsharp masking params in menu if activated if self.text_unsharp_mask_radius.layout.display = "block" self.text_unsharp_mask_amount.layout.display = "block" else: self.text_unsharp_mask_radius.layout.display = "none" self.text_unsharp_mask_amount.layout.display = "none" # Change unsharp masking radius def update_text_unsharp_mask_radius(self, change): self.unsharp_mask_radius = # Change unsharp masking amount def update_text_unsharp_mask_amount(self, change): self.unsharp_mask_amount = # Enable rolling median and show/hide custom params def update_checkbox_rolling_median(self, change): self.rolling_median = # Show rolling median params in menu if activated if self.text_rolling_median_window.layout.display = "block" else: self.text_rolling_median_window.layout.display = "none" # Change rolling median window def update_text_rolling_median_window(self, change): self.rolling_median_window = # Override max size limit def update_checkbox_max_size(self, change): self.max_size = # Add DEA Coastlines overlay def update_deacoastlines(self, change): self.deacoastlines = # Apply cloud mask in load_ard def update_checkbox_cloud_mask(self, change): self.cloud_mask = # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) # Override min width def update_width(self, change): self.width = # Override interval def update_interval(self, change): self.interval = # Update resolution def update_text_resolution(self, change): self.resolution = # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) # Set output file format def update_dropdown_resampling(self, change): self.resample_freq = # Clear data load params to trigger data re-load update_map_layers(self) def run_app(self, change): # Clear progress bar and output areas before running self.status_info.clear_output() self.output_plot.clear_output() # Verify that polygon was drawn if self.gdf_drawn is not None: with self.status_info: # Load data and add to attribute if self.timeseries_ds is None: self.timeseries_ds = extract_data(self) else: print("Using previously loaded data") if self.timeseries_ds is not None: with self.status_info: # Create unique file name centre_coords = self.gdf_drawn.geometry[0].centroid.coords[0][::-1] site = reverse_geocode(coords=centre_coords) fname = ( f"{self.dealayer}_{site}_{self.start_date}_" f"{self.end_date}_{}_{self.resolution:.0f}m." f"{self.output_format}".replace(" ", "") .replace(",", "") .lower() ) print( f"\nExporting animation for {site}.\nThis may take several minutes..." ) ############ # Plotting # ############ with self.output_plot: plot_data(self, fname) else: with self.status_info: print( "No satellite data found in the selected area. " "Please select a new rectangle over an area with " "satellite imagery." ) else: with self.status_info: print( 'Please draw a valid rectangle on the map, then press "Generate animation".' )