Source code for

Loading and processing Australian Bureau of Meteorology data.

License: The code in this notebook is licensed under the Apache License,
Version 2.0 ( Digital Earth
Australia data is licensed under the Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0
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Last modified: March 2021

import datetime
import pytz
import ciso8601
from types import SimpleNamespace
import requests
import lxml
import lxml.etree

[docs] def get_stations(time=None, observation=' Course Discharge', url=''): """ Get list of stations :param time: tuple of datetime.datetime objects, or None to query from 1980-1-1 to Now Returns ======== List of stations: .name -- string, human readable station name .pos -- Coordinate of the station or None .url -- service url identifier """ data = tpl_get_stations.format(observation=observation, **_fmt_time(time)) data = data.replace('\n', '') rr =, data=data) return _parse_station_data(rr.text)
[docs] def get_station_data(station, time=None, observation=' Course Discharge', url=''): """ Query Gauge Data. :param station: One of the stations see get_stations :param time: tuple of datetime.datetime objects, or None to query from 1980-1-1 to Now Returns ======== Pandas dataframe with Timestamp(index), Value columns """ data = tpl_get_obs.format(station=station.url, observation=observation, **_fmt_time(time)) data = data.replace('\n', '') rr =, data=data) return _parse_get_data(rr.text)
[docs] def mk_station_selector(on_select, stations=None, dst_map=None, **kw): """ Add stations to the map and register on_click event. :param on_select: Will be called when user selects station on the map `on_select(station)` :param stations: List of stations as returned from get_stations :param dst_map: Map to add stations markers to Any other arguments are passed on to Map(..) constructor. Returns ======= (map, marker_cluster) Passes through map=dst_map if not None, or returns newly constructed Map object. """ import ipyleaflet as L if stations is None: stations = get_stations() stations = [st for st in stations if st.pos is not None] pos2st = {st.pos: st for st in stations} def on_click(event='', type='', coordinates=None): pos = tuple(coordinates) st = pos2st.get(pos) if st is None: # should probably log warning here print("Can't map click to station") return on_select(st) markers = [L.Marker(location=st.pos, draggable=False, for st in stations] cluster = L.MarkerCluster(markers=markers) if dst_map is None: dst_map = L.Map(**kw) dst_map.add_layer(cluster) cluster.on_click(on_click) return dst_map, cluster
[docs] def ui_select_station(stations, zoom=3, center=(-24, 138), **kw): """ Create an interactive map for selecting river gauging stations. """ import ipywidgets as W from IPython.display import display import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ipyleaflet as L from odc.ui import ui_poll dbg_display = W.Output() fig_display = W.Output() btn_done = W.Button(description='Done') scroll_wheel_zoom = kw.pop('scroll_wheel_zoom', True) map_widget = L.Map(zoom=zoom, center=center, scroll_wheel_zoom=scroll_wheel_zoom, **kw) state = SimpleNamespace(pos=None, gauge_data=None, finished=False, station=None) plt_interactive_state = plt.isinteractive() plt.interactive(False) with fig_display: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(14,4)) ax.set_visible(False) display(fig) def _on_select(station): if state.finished: print('Please re-run the cell') return state.station = station state.pos = station.pos state.gauge_data = None print('Fetching data for: {}'.format( try: xx = get_station_data(station).dropna() except Exception: print('Failed to read data') return print('Got {} observations'.format(xx.shape[0])) state.gauge_data = xx with fig_display: ax.clear() ax.set_visible(True) xx.plot(ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel("Date") ax.set_ylabel("Cubic meters per second") ax.legend([]) fig_display.clear_output(wait=True) with fig_display: display(fig) def on_select(station): with dbg_display: _on_select(station) def on_done(btn): if state.finished: with dbg_display: print('Please re-run the cell') return state.finished = True n_obs = 0 if state.gauge_data is None else state.gauge_data.shape[0] with dbg_display: print('''Finished Station: {} Number of Observations: {}'''.format(, n_obs)) def on_poll(): with dbg_display: if state.finished: return state.gauge_data, state.station return None mk_station_selector(on_select, stations=stations, dst_map=map_widget) ## UI: ## ## MMMMMMMMMMMMM BBBBB ## MMMMMMMMMMMMM ..... ## MMMMMMMMMMMMM ..... ## MMMMMMMMMMMMM ..... ## MMMMMMMMMMMMM ..... ## FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ## FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # M - Map F - Figure # B - Button . - Debug output btn_done.on_click(on_done) r_panel = W.VBox([btn_done, dbg_display], layout=W.Layout(width='30%')) ui = W.VBox([W.HBox([map_widget, r_panel]), fig_display]) display(ui) result = ui_poll(on_poll, 1/20) # this will block until done is pressed #restore interactive state fig_display.clear_output(wait=True) with fig_display: plt.interactive(plt_interactive_state) return result
def _fmt_time(time=None): if time is None: time = (datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 1), t_start, t_end = (t.isoformat() for t in time) return dict(t_start=t_start, t_end=t_end) def _parse_float(x): if x is None: return float('nan') try: return float(x) except ValueError: return float('nan') def _parse_time(x): t = ciso8601.parse_datetime(x).astimezone(pytz.utc) return t.replace(tzinfo=None) def _parse_get_data(text, raw=False): root = lxml.etree.fromstring(text) data = [[e.text for e in root.findall('.//{}' + t)] for t in ['time', 'value']] dd = [(_parse_time(t), _parse_float(v)) for t, v in zip(*data)] if raw: return dd import pandas as pd return pd.DataFrame(dd, columns=('Timestamp', 'Value')).set_index('Timestamp') def _parse_station_data(text): def parse_pos(pos): if pos is None: return None return tuple(_parse_float(x) for x in pos.split(' ')) root = lxml.etree.fromstring(text) data = [[e.text for e in root.findall('.//{}' + t)] for t in ['name', 'identifier', 'pos']] return [SimpleNamespace(name=name, url=url, pos=parse_pos(pos)) for name, url, pos in zip(*data)] # observation = ' Course Discharge' # tpl_get_stations = ''' <soap12:Envelope xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:sos="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:fes="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:swes="" xsi:schemaLocation="" > <soap12:Header> <wsa:To></wsa:To> <wsa:Action></wsa:Action> <wsa:ReplyTo> <wsa:Address></wsa:Address> </wsa:ReplyTo> <wsa:MessageID>0</wsa:MessageID> </soap12:Header> <soap12:Body> <sos:GetFeatureOfInterest service="SOS" version="2.0.0"> <sos:observedProperty>{observation}</sos:observedProperty> <sos:temporalFilter> <fes:During> <fes:ValueReference>om:phenomenonTime</fes:ValueReference> <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="tp1"> <gml:beginPosition>{t_start}</gml:beginPosition> <gml:endPosition>{t_end}</gml:endPosition> </gml:TimePeriod> </fes:During> </sos:temporalFilter> </sos:GetFeatureOfInterest> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> ''' # {station}, {observation}, {t_start}, {t_end} tpl_get_obs = ''' <soap12:Envelope xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:sos="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ows="" xmlns:fes="" xmlns:gml="" xmlns:swes="" xsi:schemaLocation="" > <soap12:Header> <wsa:To></wsa:To> <wsa:Action></wsa:Action> <wsa:ReplyTo> <wsa:Address></wsa:Address> </wsa:ReplyTo> <wsa:MessageID>0</wsa:MessageID> </soap12:Header> <soap12:Body> <sos:GetObservation service="SOS" version="2.0.0"> <sos:procedure></sos:procedure> <sos:observedProperty>{observation}</sos:observedProperty> <sos:featureOfInterest>{station}</sos:featureOfInterest> <sos:temporalFilter> <fes:During> <fes:ValueReference>om:phenomenonTime</fes:ValueReference> <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="tp1"> <gml:beginPosition>{t_start}</gml:beginPosition> <gml:endPosition>{t_end}</gml:endPosition> </gml:TimePeriod> </fes:During> </sos:temporalFilter> </sos:GetObservation> </soap12:Body> </soap12:Envelope> '''