DEA Naming Conventions (Collection 3)


This page explains the naming convention of files/datasets found within DEA’s digital products as well as the Open Data Cube (ODC) product naming convention.

Digital Earth Australia (DEA) maintains and distributes collections of satellite-derived information sourced from a growing number of different satellite missions. The DEA Naming Conventions aim to make naming of data collections consistent across products and platforms.

Naming components

DEA product names include the following components:

  • organisation - typically ‘ga’ for Geoscience Australia

  • platform - the name of the satellite, for example ls5 for Landsat 5 or s2b for Sentinel-2B

  • sensor - letter designating the sensor on the satellite that the data was sourced from, for instance ls5t in the case of Landsat 5’s Thematic Mapper (TM), ls7e for Landsat 7’s Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM), ls8c for Landsat 8’s (C)ombined Object Land Imager (OLI) with Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) and s2am or s2bm for Sentinel-2A / B’s MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI).

  • product - name of product, for example fc for “Fractional Cover”, wo for “Water Observations” or nbart for “Nadir corrected Bi-directional reflectance distribution function Adjusted Reflectance with Terrian illumination correction” (NBAR-T).

  • version - The version number of product. (See the Versioning section below.)

  • WRS-2 code - 6 digit number defining the WRS-2 path and row (see link below for more details) that the dataset covers

  • MGRS grid tile - 5 letters and numbers defining the MGRS grid (see link below for more details) that the dataset covers

  • X/Y tile reference - 6 letters and numbers defining the tile in the DEA Summary Product Grid (see link below for more details) that the dataset covers

  • acquisition date (range) - could be a single date of format YYYY-MM-DD or a period, for instance “2017–P1Y” would denote that it covered the year of 2017.

  • product status - could be nrt for Near Real Time (NRT), interim to indicate neither NRT nor final or final to indicate the final version of a dataset.

  • file/band name - the particular band of a product contained by the dataset, for instance “water” in the case of Water Observations, or band03 in the case of Landsat 8’s green band.

  • file extension - suffix of file to indicate format, in most cases this will be .tif for cloud optimized geotiff.

Different types of products

Depending on the type of digital product, or from which satellite mission the data was sourced, products published by DEA come in three principle forms:

  • Analysis Ready Data (ARD) or surface reflectance. This can use the World Reference System (WRS-2) as its spatial reference if sourced from Landsat, or the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) if sourced from Sentinel-2.

  • Derivative (of ARD) data that has a one-to-one corresponence of pixels and datasets to its parent ARD. This can use WRS-2 as its spatial reference if sourced from Landsat, or MGRS if sourced from Sentinel-2.

  • Derivative summary data, or a summary of a time period (monthly, seasonal, calendar year, financial year, all of available time). These will use the Collection 3 grid specification for its spatial reference.

Filename Examples

Landsat ARD


Sentinel-2 ARD


Landsat Fractional Cover


Sentinel-2 Water Observations


Landsat Geomedian Summary


ODC Product Examples

Landsat ARD ODC Product


Landsat Fractional Cover ODC Product



Products use the ‘Semantic Versioning’ format: Major.Minor.Patch. E.g. 2.1.0. The ‘Major’ number is incremented when there are incompatible changes (non-backward-compatible changes); the ‘minor’ number is incremented when there are backward-compatible changes; and, the ‘Patch’ number is incremented for backward-compatible bug fixes.
