Advanced Access - HPC, CLI, and THREDDS
In this guide
High Performance Computing
The DEA environment can be accessed within the High Performance Computing (HPC) environment (i.e. Gadi). This will require compute and storage quota allocations to be made via NCI’s Allocation Scheme processes, on a per-project basis. This does not need to be specific to DEA – all users with computing capabilities on Gadi are able to access DEA through the HPC system.
Command Line Usage
, you can start a terminal window from Applications -> System Tools.
To manually use the modules on gadi
or the VDI
, add the datacube module path
$ module use /g/data/v10/public/modules/modulefiles/
(you can add the above to your .bashrc
to avoid running it every time)
You should now be able to load the dea
module by running
$ module load dea
Behind the scenes this will load a second module called dea-env
which contains all required libraries and supporting software to use dea
You can see a list of available modules by running
$ module avail
The first time you load the module, it will register your account with the datacube, granting you read-only access.
It will store your password in the file ~/.pgpass
You can then launch a Jupyter notebook by running
$ jupyter-lab <path_to_notebook>
and gadi
have separate home directories, so you must copy your pgpass to the other if
you use both environments.
You can push the contents of your pgpass file from the VDI
to gadi
by running on a terminal window in VDI
remote-hpc-cmd init
ssh gadi "cat >> ~/.pgpass" < ~/.pgpass
ssh gadi "chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass"
You will most likely be prompted for your NCI password.
To pull the contents of your pgpass from gadi
to the VDI
instead, run
ssh gadi "cat ~/.pgpass" >> ~/.pgpass
chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
If you have created a .datacube.conf
file in your home folder from
early Data Cube betas, you should rename or remove it to avoid it
conflicting with the settings loaded by the module.
The THREDDS server is the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI)’s high-performance and high-availability installation of Unidata’s Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS).
THREDDS serves many of NCI’s open data collections at the file level, as well as some aggregations. It provides many different types of services to allow individual files to be selected, as well as more advanced services such as OpenDAP, NetCDF subsetting, OGC WCS and WMS.
The THREDDS server is programmatically accessible, which is how many advanced tools and portals use the service.
If the data product features a THREDDS link, you can access the data in the following way:
Open DEA Explorer. Select the product of interest from the menu at the top. This will give you a tile map. The data in THREDDS is indexed according to this tile map.
Once you have located the tile that covers your region of interest, note the path and row numbers.
Open the THREDDS link for the data product.
The folders follow the sequence: product > path > row > year > month > day. Open each folder corresponding to the product, tile and date of interest.