Functions for defining widgets for interactive Digital Earth Australia notebooks.
These functions are directly modified from originals developed by Digital Earth Africa: digitalearthafrica/deafrica-sandbox-notebooks
License: The code in this notebook is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ( Digital Earth Australia data is licensed under the Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license (
Contact: If you need assistance, post a question on the Open Data Cube Discord chat ( or the GIS Stack Exchange ( using the open-data-cube tag (you can view previously asked questions here:
If you would like to report an issue with this script, you can file one on GitHub (GeoscienceAustralia/dea-notebooks#new).
Last modified: June 2022
Create a BoundedFloatText widget |
Create a Checkbox widget |
Create a DatePicker widget |
Create a Digital Earth Australia WMS layer to add to a map |
Create a draw control widget to add to ipyleaflet maps |
Create a Dropdown widget |
Create a HTML widget |
Create a Text widget |
Create an interactive ipyleaflet map |
-, min_val, max_val, step_val, description='', layout={'width': '85%'})[source]
Create a BoundedFloatText widget
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
value (float) – initial value of the widget
min_val (float) – minimum allowed value for the float
max_val (float) – maximum allowed value for the float
step_val (float) – allowed increment for the float
description (string) – descirption label to attach
layout (dictionary) – any layout commands for the widget
- Returns:
- Return type:
-, description='', layout={'width': '85%'})[source]
Create a Checkbox widget
Last modified: January 2022
- Parameters:
value (string) – initial value of the widget; True or False
description (string) – description label to attach
layout (dictionary) – any layout commands for the widget
- Returns:
- Return type:
-'', value=None, layout={'width': '85%'})[source]
Create a DatePicker widget
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
description (string) – descirption label to attach
layout (dictionary) – any layout commands for the widget
- Returns:
- Return type:
-, date, **params)[source]
Create a Digital Earth Australia WMS layer to add to a map
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
product (string) – The Digital Earth Australia product to load (e.g. ‘ga_ls8cls9c_gm_cyear_3’)
date (string (yyyy-mm-dd format)) – The date to load the product for
- Returns:
- Return type:
ipyleaflet WMS layer
-['rectangle', 'polygon', 'circle', 'polyline', 'marker', 'circlemarker'], rectangle_options={}, polygon_options={}, circle_options={}, polyline_options={}, marker_options={}, circlemarker_options={})[source]
Create a draw control widget to add to ipyleaflet maps
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
draw_controls (list) – List of draw controls to add to the map. Defaults to adding all Viable options are ‘rectangle’, ‘polygon’, ‘circle’, ‘polyline’, ‘marker’, ‘circlemarker’.
rectangle_options (dict) – Options to customise the appearence of the relevant shape. Leave blank for default styling.
polygon_options (dict) – Options to customise the appearence of the relevant shape. Leave blank for default styling.
circle_options (dict) – Options to customise the appearence of the relevant shape. Leave blank for default styling.
polyline_options (dict) – Options to customise the appearence of the relevant shape. Leave blank for default styling.
marker_options (dict) – Options to customise the appearence of the relevant shape. Leave blank for default styling.
circlemarker_options (dict) – Options to customise the appearence of the relevant shape. Leave blank for default styling.
- Returns:
- Return type:
-, value, description='', layout={'width': '85%'})[source]
Create a Dropdown widget
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
options (list) – a list of options for the user to select from
value (string) – initial value of the widget
description (string) – descirption label to attach
layout (dictionary) – any layout commands for the widget
- Returns:
- Return type:
Create a HTML widget
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
value (string) – HTML text to display
- Returns:
- Return type:
-, placeholder, description='', layout={'width': '85%'})[source]
Create a Text widget
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
value (string) – initial value of the widget
placeholder (string) – placeholder text to display to the user before intput
description (string) – descirption label to attach
layout (dictionary) – any layout commands for the widget
- Returns:
- Return type:
-, 135), zoom_level=4, basemap=ipyleaflet.basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik, basemap_name='Open Street Map', **kwargs)[source]
Create an interactive ipyleaflet map
Last modified: October 2021
- Parameters:
map_center (tuple) – A tuple containing the latitude and longitude to focus on. Defaults to center of Australia (-28, 135)
zoom_level (integer) – Zoom level for the map Defaults to 4 to view all of Australia
basemap (ipyleaflet basemap (dict)) – Basemap to use, can be any from Defaults to Open Street Map (basemaps.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik)
basemap_name (string) – Layer name for the basemap
- Returns:
m – interactive ipyleaflet map
- Return type: