Source code for dea_tools.plotting

Plotting and animating Digital Earth Australia products and data.

License: The code in this notebook is licensed under the Apache License, 
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Australia data is licensed under the Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 
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Last modified: April 2023


# Import required packages
import math
import folium
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
from matplotlib import colors as mcolours
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from pathlib import Path
from pyproj import Transformer
from shapely.geometry import box
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
from import tqdm

import odc.geo.xr
from odc.ui import image_aspect
from dea_tools.spatial import add_geobox

[docs] def rgb(ds, bands=['nbart_red', 'nbart_green', 'nbart_blue'], index=None, index_dim='time', robust=True, percentile_stretch=None, col_wrap=4, size=6, aspect=None, titles=None, savefig_path=None, savefig_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """ Takes an xarray dataset and plots RGB images using three imagery bands (e.g ['nbart_red', 'nbart_green', 'nbart_blue']). The `index` parameter allows easily selecting individual or multiple images for RGB plotting. Images can be saved to file by specifying an output path using `savefig_path`. This function was designed to work as an easier-to-use wrapper around xarray's `.plot.imshow()` functionality. Last modified: September 2020 Parameters ---------- ds : xarray Dataset A two-dimensional or multi-dimensional array to plot as an RGB image. If the array has more than two dimensions (e.g. multiple observations along a 'time' dimension), either use `index` to select one (`index=0`) or multiple observations (`index=[0, 1]`), or create a custom faceted plot using e.g. `col="time"`. bands : list of strings, optional A list of three strings giving the band names to plot. Defaults to '['nbart_red', 'nbart_green', 'nbart_blue']'. index : integer or list of integers, optional `index` can be used to select one (`index=0`) or multiple observations (`index=[0, 1]`) from the input dataset for plotting. If multiple images are requested these will be plotted as a faceted plot. index_dim : string, optional The dimension along which observations should be plotted if multiple observations are requested using `index`. Defaults to `time`. robust : bool, optional Produces an enhanced image where the colormap range is computed with 2nd and 98th percentiles instead of the extreme values. Defaults to True. percentile_stretch : tuple of floats An tuple of two floats (between 0.00 and 1.00) that can be used to clip the colormap range to manually specified percentiles to get more control over the brightness and contrast of the image. The default is None; '(0.02, 0.98)' is equivelent to `robust=True`. If this parameter is used, `robust` will have no effect. col_wrap : integer, optional The number of columns allowed in faceted plots. Defaults to 4. size : integer, optional The height (in inches) of each plot. Defaults to 6. aspect : integer, optional Aspect ratio of each facet in the plot, so that aspect * size gives width of each facet in inches. Defaults to None, which will calculate the aspect based on the x and y dimensions of the input data. titles : string or list of strings, optional Replace the xarray 'time' dimension on plot titles with a string or list of string titles, when a list of index values are provided, of your choice. Defaults to None. savefig_path : string, optional Path to export image file for the RGB plot. Defaults to None, which does not export an image file. savefig_kwargs : dict, optional A dict of keyword arguments to pass to `matplotlib.pyplot.savefig` when exporting an image file. For all available options, see: **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to `xarray.plot.imshow()`. For example, the function can be used to plot into an existing matplotlib axes object by passing an `ax` keyword argument. For more options, see: Returns ------- An RGB plot of one or multiple observations, and optionally an image file written to file. """ # Get names of x and y dims y_dim, x_dim = ds.odc.spatial_dims # If ax is supplied via kwargs, ignore aspect and size if 'ax' in kwargs: # Create empty aspect size kwarg that will be passed to imshow aspect_size_kwarg = {} else: # Compute image aspect if not aspect: aspect = ds.odc.geobox.aspect # Populate aspect size kwarg with aspect and size data aspect_size_kwarg = {'aspect': aspect, 'size': size} # If no value is supplied for `index` (the default), plot using default # values and arguments passed via `**kwargs` if index is None: # Select bands and convert to DataArray da = ds[bands].to_array().compute() # If percentile_stretch == True, clip plotting to percentile vmin, vmax if percentile_stretch: vmin, vmax = da.quantile(percentile_stretch).values kwargs.update({'vmin': vmin, 'vmax': vmax}) # If there are more than three dimensions and the index dimension == 1, # squeeze this dimension out to remove it if ((len(ds.dims) > 2) and ('col' not in kwargs) and (len(da[index_dim]) == 1)): da = da.squeeze(dim=index_dim) # If there are more than three dimensions and the index dimension # is longer than 1, raise exception to tell user to use 'col'/`index` elif ((len(ds.dims) > 2) and ('col' not in kwargs) and (len(da[index_dim]) > 1)): raise Exception( f'The input dataset `ds` has more than two dimensions: ' f'{list(ds.dims.keys())}. Please select a single observation ' 'using e.g. `index=0`, or enable faceted plotting by adding ' 'the arguments e.g. `col="time", col_wrap=4` to the function ' 'call') img = da.plot.imshow(x=x_dim, y=y_dim, robust=robust, col_wrap=col_wrap, **aspect_size_kwarg, **kwargs) if titles is not None: for ax, title in zip(img.axs.flat, titles): ax.set_title(title) # If values provided for `index`, extract corresponding observations and # plot as either single image or facet plot else: # If a float is supplied instead of an integer index, raise exception if isinstance(index, float): raise Exception( f'Please supply `index` as either an integer or a list of ' 'integers') # If col argument is supplied as well as `index`, raise exception if 'col' in kwargs: raise Exception( f'Cannot supply both `index` and `col`; please remove one and ' 'try again') # Convert index to generic type list so that number of indices supplied # can be computed index = index if isinstance(index, list) else [index] # Select bands and observations and convert to DataArray da = ds[bands].isel(**{index_dim: index}).to_array().compute() # If percentile_stretch == True, clip plotting to percentile vmin, vmax if percentile_stretch: vmin, vmax = da.quantile(percentile_stretch).values kwargs.update({'vmin': vmin, 'vmax': vmax}) # If multiple index values are supplied, plot as a faceted plot if len(index) > 1: img = da.plot.imshow(x=x_dim, y=y_dim, robust=robust, col=index_dim, col_wrap=col_wrap, **aspect_size_kwarg, **kwargs) if titles is not None: for ax, title in zip(img.axs.flat, titles): ax.set_title(title) # If only one index is supplied, squeeze out index_dim and plot as a # single panel else: img = da.squeeze(dim=index_dim).plot.imshow(robust=robust, **aspect_size_kwarg, **kwargs) if titles is not None: for ax, title in zip(img.axs.flat, titles): ax.set_title(title) # If an export path is provided, save image to file. Individual and # faceted plots have a different API (figure vs fig) so we get around this # using a try statement: if savefig_path: print(f'Exporting image to {savefig_path}') try: img.fig.savefig(savefig_path, **savefig_kwargs) except: img.figure.savefig(savefig_path, **savefig_kwargs)
[docs] def display_map(x, y, crs='EPSG:4326', margin=-0.5, zoom_bias=0): """ Given a set of x and y coordinates, this function generates an interactive map with a bounded rectangle overlayed on Google Maps imagery. Last modified: February 2023 Modified from function written by Otto Wagner available here: Parameters ---------- x : (float, float) A tuple of x coordinates in (min, max) format. y : (float, float) A tuple of y coordinates in (min, max) format. crs : string, optional A string giving the EPSG CRS code of the supplied coordinates. The default is 'EPSG:4326'. margin : float A numeric value giving the number of degrees lat-long to pad the edges of the rectangular overlay polygon. A larger value results more space between the edge of the plot and the sides of the polygon. Defaults to -0.5. zoom_bias : float or int A numeric value allowing you to increase or decrease the zoom level by one step. Defaults to 0; set to greater than 0 to zoom in, and less than 0 to zoom out. Returns ------- folium.Map : A map centered on the supplied coordinate bounds. A rectangle is drawn on this map detailing the perimeter of the x, y bounds. A zoom level is calculated such that the resulting viewport is the closest it can possibly get to the centered bounding rectangle without clipping it. """ # Convert each corner coordinates to lat-lon all_x = (x[0], x[1], x[0], x[1]) all_y = (y[0], y[0], y[1], y[1]) transformer = Transformer.from_crs(crs, "EPSG:4326") all_longitude, all_latitude = transformer.transform(all_x, all_y) # Calculate zoom level based on coordinates lat_zoom_level = _degree_to_zoom_level( min(all_latitude), max(all_latitude), margin=margin) + zoom_bias lon_zoom_level = _degree_to_zoom_level( min(all_longitude), max(all_longitude), margin=margin) + zoom_bias zoom_level = min(lat_zoom_level, lon_zoom_level) # Identify centre point for plotting center = [np.mean(all_latitude), np.mean(all_longitude)] # Create map interactive_map = folium.Map( location=center, zoom_start=zoom_level, tiles="{z}&x={x}&y={y}", attr="Google") # Create bounding box coordinates to overlay on map line_segments = [(all_latitude[0], all_longitude[0]), (all_latitude[1], all_longitude[1]), (all_latitude[3], all_longitude[3]), (all_latitude[2], all_longitude[2]), (all_latitude[0], all_longitude[0])] # Add bounding box as an overlay interactive_map.add_child( folium.features.PolyLine(locations=line_segments, color='red', opacity=0.8)) # Add clickable lat-lon popup box interactive_map.add_child(folium.features.LatLngPopup()) return interactive_map
[docs] def xr_animation(ds, bands=None, output_path='animation.mp4', width_pixels=500, interval=100, percentile_stretch=(0.02, 0.98), image_proc_funcs=None, show_gdf=None, show_date='%d %b %Y', show_text=None, show_colorbar=True, gdf_kwargs={}, annotation_kwargs={}, imshow_kwargs={}, colorbar_kwargs={}, limit=None): """ Takes an `xarray` timeseries and animates the data as either a three-band (e.g. true or false colour) or single-band animation, allowing changes in the landscape to be compared across time. Animations can be customised to include text and date annotations or use specific combinations of input bands. Vector data can be overlaid and animated on top of imagery, and custom image processing functions can be applied to each frame. Supports .mp4 (ideal for Twitter/social media) and .gif (ideal for all purposes, but can have large file sizes) format files. Last modified: April 2023 Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset An xarray dataset with multiple time steps (i.e. multiple observations along the `time` dimension). bands : list of strings An list of either one or three band names to be plotted, all of which must exist in `ds`. output_path : str, optional A string giving the output location and filename of the resulting animation. File extensions of '.mp4' and '.gif' are accepted. Defaults to 'animation.mp4'. width_pixels : int, optional An integer defining the output width in pixels for the resulting animation. The height of the animation is set automatically based on the dimensions/ratio of the input xarray dataset. Defaults to 500 pixels wide. interval : int, optional An integer defining the milliseconds between each animation frame used to control the speed of the output animation. Higher values result in a slower animation. Defaults to 100 milliseconds between each frame. percentile_stretch : tuple of floats, optional An optional tuple of two floats that can be used to clip one or three-band arrays by percentiles to produce a more vibrant, visually attractive image that is not affected by outliers/ extreme values. The default is `(0.02, 0.98)` which is equivalent to xarray's `robust=True`. This parameter is ignored completely if `vmin` and `vmax` are provided as kwargs to `imshow_kwargs`. image_proc_funcs : list of funcs, optional An optional list containing functions that will be applied to each animation frame (timestep) prior to animating. This can include image processing functions such as increasing contrast, unsharp masking, saturation etc. The function should take AND return a `numpy.ndarray` with shape [y, x, bands]. If your function has parameters, you can pass in custom values using a lambda function: `image_proc_funcs=[lambda x: custom_func(x, param1=10)]`. show_gdf: geopandas.GeoDataFrame, optional Vector data (e.g. ESRI shapefiles or GeoJSON) can be optionally plotted over the top of imagery by supplying a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame` object. To customise colours used to plot the vector features, create a new column in the GeoDataFrame called 'colors' specifying the colour used to plot each feature: e.g. `gdf['colors'] = 'red'`. To plot vector features at specific moments in time during the animation, create new 'start_time' and/or 'end_time' columns in the GeoDataFrame that define the time range used to plot each feature. Dates can be provided in any string format that can be converted using the `pandas.to_datetime()`. e.g. `gdf['end_time'] = ['2001', '2005-01', '2009-01-01']` show_date : string or bool, optional An optional string or bool that defines how (or if) to plot date annotations for each animation frame. Defaults to '%d %b %Y'; can be customised to any format understood by strftime ( Set to False to remove date annotations completely. show_text : str or list of strings, optional An optional string or list of strings with a length equal to the number of timesteps in `ds`. This can be used to display a static text annotation (using a string), or a dynamic title (using a list) that displays different text for each timestep. By default, no text annotation will be plotted. show_colorbar : bool, optional An optional boolean indicating whether to include a colourbar for single-band animations. Defaults to True. gdf_kwargs : dict, optional An optional dictionary of keyword arguments to customise the appearance of a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame` supplied to `show_gdf`. Keyword arguments are passed to `GeoSeries.plot` (see For example: `gdf_kwargs = {'linewidth': 2}`. annotation_kwargs : dict, optional An optional dict of keyword arguments for controlling the appearance of text annotations. Keyword arguments are passed to `matplotlib`'s `plt.annotate` (see for options). For example, `annotation_kwargs={'fontsize':20, 'color':'red', 'family':'serif'}. imshow_kwargs : dict, optional An optional dict of keyword arguments for controlling the appearance of arrays passed to `matplotlib`'s `plt.imshow` (see for options). For example, a green colour scheme and custom stretch could be specified using: `onebandplot_kwargs={'cmap':'Greens`, 'vmin':0.2, 'vmax':0.9}`. (some parameters like 'cmap' will only have an effect for single-band animations, not three-band RGB animations). colorbar_kwargs : dict, optional An optional dict of keyword arguments used to control the appearance of the colourbar. Keyword arguments are passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.tick_params` (see for options). This can be used to customise the colourbar ticks, e.g. changing tick label colour depending on the background of the animation: `colorbar_kwargs={'colors': 'black'}`. limit: int, optional An optional integer specifying how many animation frames to render (e.g. `limit=50` will render the first 50 frames). This can be useful for quickly testing animations without rendering the entire time-series. """ def _start_end_times(gdf, ds): """ Converts 'start_time' and 'end_time' columns in a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame` to datetime objects to allow vector features to be plotted at specific moments in time during an animation, and sets default values based on the first and last time in `ds` if this information is missing from the dataset. """ # Make copy of gdf so we do not modify original data gdf = gdf.copy() # Get min and max times from input dataset minmax_times = pd.to_datetime(ds.time.isel(time=[0, -1]).values) # Update both `start_time` and `end_time` columns for time_col, time_val in zip(['start_time', 'end_time'], minmax_times): # Add time_col if it does not exist if time_col not in gdf: gdf[time_col] = np.nan # Convert values to datetimes and fill gaps with relevant time value gdf[time_col] = pd.to_datetime(gdf[time_col], errors='ignore') gdf[time_col] = gdf[time_col].fillna(time_val) return gdf def _add_colorbar(fig, ax, vmin, vmax, imshow_defaults, colorbar_defaults): """ Adds a new colorbar axis to the animation with custom minimum and maximum values and styling. """ # Create new axis object for colorbar cax = fig.add_axes([0.02, 0.02, 0.96, 0.03]) # Initialise color bar using plot min and max values img = ax.imshow(np.array([[vmin, vmax]]), **imshow_defaults) fig.colorbar(img, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 2)) # Fine-tune appearance of colorbar cax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') cax.tick_params(axis='x', **colorbar_defaults) cax.get_xticklabels()[0].set_horizontalalignment('left') cax.get_xticklabels()[-1].set_horizontalalignment('right') def _frame_annotation(times, show_date, show_text): """ Creates a custom annotation for the top-right of the animation by converting a `xarray.DataArray` of times into strings, and combining this with a custom text annotation. Handles cases where `show_date=False/None`, `show_text=False/None`, or where `show_text` is a list of strings. """ # Test if show_text is supplied as a list is_sequence = isinstance(show_text, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)) # Raise exception if it is shorter than number of dates if is_sequence and (len(show_text) == 1): show_text, is_sequence = show_text[0], False elif is_sequence and (len(show_text) < len(times)): raise ValueError(f'Annotations supplied via `show_text` must have ' f'either a length of 1, or a length >= the number ' f'of timesteps in `ds` (n={len(times)})') times_list = (times.dt.strftime(show_date).values if show_date else [None] * len(times)) text_list = show_text if is_sequence else [show_text] * len(times) annotation_list = [ '\n'.join([str(i) for i in (a, b) if i]) for a, b in zip(times_list, text_list) ] return annotation_list def _update_frames(i, ax, extent, annotation_text, gdf, gdf_defaults, annotation_defaults, imshow_defaults): """ Animation called by `matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` to animate each frame in the animation. Plots array and any text annotations, as well as a temporal subset of `gdf` data based on the times specified in 'start_time' and 'end_time' columns. """ # Clear previous frame to optimise render speed and plot imagery ax.clear() ax.imshow(array[i, ...].clip(0.0, 1.0), extent=extent, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, **imshow_defaults) # Add annotation text ax.annotate(annotation_text[i], **annotation_defaults) # Add geodataframe annotation if show_gdf is not None: # Obtain start and end times to filter geodataframe features time_i = ds.time.isel(time=i).values # Subset geodataframe using start and end dates gdf_subset = show_gdf.loc[(show_gdf.start_time <= time_i) & (show_gdf.end_time >= time_i)] if len(gdf_subset.index) > 0: # Set color to geodataframe field if supplied if ('color' in gdf_subset) and ('color' not in gdf_kwargs): gdf_defaults.update({'color': gdf_subset['color'].tolist()}) gdf_subset.plot(ax=ax, **gdf_defaults) # Remove axes to show imagery only ax.axis('off') # Update progress bar progress_bar.update(1) # Add GeoBox and odc.* accessor to array using `odc-geo` try: ds = add_geobox(ds) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unable to determine `ds`'s coordinate " "reference system (CRS). Please assign a CRS " "to the array before passing it to this " "function, e.g.: " "`ds.odc.assign_crs(crs='EPSG:3577')`") # Test if bands have been supplied, or convert to list to allow # iteration if a single band is provided as a string if bands is None: raise ValueError(f'Please use the `bands` parameter to supply ' f'a list of one or three bands that exist as ' f'variables in `ds`, e.g. {list(ds.data_vars)}') elif isinstance(bands, str): bands = [bands] # Test if bands exist in dataset missing_bands = [b for b in bands if b not in ds.data_vars] if missing_bands: raise ValueError(f'Band(s) {missing_bands} do not exist as ' f'variables in `ds` {list(ds.data_vars)}') # Test if time dimension exists in dataset if 'time' not in ds.dims: raise ValueError(f"`ds` does not contain a 'time' dimension " f"required for generating an animation") # Set default parameters outline = [PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=2.5, foreground='black')] annotation_defaults = { 'xy': (1, 1), 'xycoords': 'axes fraction', 'xytext': (-5, -5), 'textcoords': 'offset points', 'horizontalalignment': 'right', 'verticalalignment': 'top', 'fontsize': 20, 'color': 'white', 'path_effects': outline } imshow_defaults = {'cmap': 'magma', 'interpolation': 'nearest'} colorbar_defaults = {'colors': 'white', 'labelsize': 12, 'length': 0} gdf_defaults = {'linewidth': 1.5} # Update defaults with kwargs annotation_defaults.update(annotation_kwargs) imshow_defaults.update(imshow_kwargs) colorbar_defaults.update(colorbar_kwargs) gdf_defaults.update(gdf_kwargs) # Get info on dataset dimensions height, width = ds.odc.geobox.shape scale = width_pixels / width left, bottom, right, top = ds.odc.geobox.extent.boundingbox # Prepare annotations annotation_list = _frame_annotation(ds.time, show_date, show_text) # Prepare geodataframe if show_gdf is not None: show_gdf = show_gdf.to_crs( show_gdf = gpd.clip(show_gdf, mask=box( left, bottom, right, top)).reindex(show_gdf.index).dropna(how='all') show_gdf = _start_end_times(show_gdf, ds) # Convert data to 4D numpy array of shape [time, y, x, bands] ds = ds[bands].to_array().transpose(..., 'variable')[0:limit, ...] array = ds.astype(np.float32).values # Optionally apply image processing along axis 0 (e.g. to each timestep) bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} ({remaining_s:.1f} ' \ 'seconds remaining at {rate_fmt}{postfix})' if image_proc_funcs: print('Applying custom image processing functions') for i, array_i in tqdm(enumerate(array), total=len(ds.time), leave=False, bar_format=bar_format, unit=' frames'): for func in image_proc_funcs: array_i = func(array_i) array[i, ...] = array_i # Clip to percentiles and rescale between 0.0 and 1.0 for plotting vmin, vmax = np.quantile(array[np.isfinite(array)], q=percentile_stretch) # Replace with vmin and vmax if present in `imshow_defaults` if 'vmin' in imshow_defaults: vmin = imshow_defaults.pop('vmin') if 'vmax' in imshow_defaults: vmax = imshow_defaults.pop('vmax') # Rescale between 0 and 1 array = rescale_intensity(array, in_range=(vmin, vmax), out_range=(0.0, 1.0)) array = np.squeeze(array) # remove final axis if only one band # Set up figure fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(width * scale / 72, height * scale / 72, forward=True) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0) # Optionally add colorbar if show_colorbar & (len(bands) == 1): _add_colorbar(fig, ax, vmin, vmax, imshow_defaults, colorbar_defaults) # Animate print(f'Exporting animation to {output_path}') anim = FuncAnimation( fig=fig, func=_update_frames, fargs=( ax, # axis to plot into [left, right, bottom, top], # imshow extent annotation_list, # list of text annotations show_gdf, # geodataframe to plot over imagery gdf_defaults, # any kwargs used to plot gdf annotation_defaults, # kwargs for annotations imshow_defaults), # kwargs for imshow frames=len(ds.time), interval=interval, repeat=False) # Set up progress bar progress_bar = tqdm(total=len(ds.time), unit=' frames', bar_format=bar_format) # Export animation to file if Path(output_path).suffix == '.gif':, writer='pillow') else:, dpi=72) # Update progress bar to fix progress bar moving past end if progress_bar.n != len(ds.time): progress_bar.n = len(ds.time) progress_bar.last_print_n = len(ds.time)
def _degree_to_zoom_level(l1, l2, margin=0.0): """ Helper function to set zoom level for `display_map` """ degree = abs(l1 - l2) * (1 + margin) zoom_level_int = 0 if degree != 0: zoom_level_float = math.log(360 / degree) / math.log(2) zoom_level_int = int(zoom_level_float) else: zoom_level_int = 18 return zoom_level_int
[docs] def plot_wo(wo, legend=True, **plot_kwargs): """Plot a water observation bit flag image. Parameters ---------- wo : xr.DataArray A DataArray containing water observation bit flags. legend : bool Whether to plot a legend. Default True. plot_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed on to DataArray.plot. Returns ------- plot """ cmap = mcolours.ListedColormap([ np.array([150, 150, 110]) / 255, # dry - 0 np.array([0, 0, 0]) / 255, # nodata, - 1 np.array([119, 104, 87]) / 255, # terrain - 16 np.array([89, 88, 86]) / 255, # cloud_shadow - 32 np.array([216, 215, 214]) / 255, # cloud - 64 np.array([242, 220, 180]) / 255, # cloudy terrain - 80 np.array([79, 129, 189]) / 255, # water - 128 np.array([51, 82, 119]) / 255, # shady water - 160 np.array([186, 211, 242]) / 255, # cloudy water - 192 ]) bounds = [ 0, 1, 16, 32, 64, 80, 128, 160, 192, 255, ] norm = mcolours.BoundaryNorm(np.array(bounds) - 0.1, cmap.N) cblabels = [ 'dry', 'nodata', 'terrain', 'cloud shadow', 'cloud', 'cloudy terrain', 'water', 'shady water', 'cloudy water' ] try: im = wo.plot.imshow(cmap=cmap, norm=norm, add_colorbar=legend, **plot_kwargs) except AttributeError: im = wo.plot(cmap=cmap, norm=norm, add_colorbar=legend, **plot_kwargs) if legend: try: cb = im.colorbar except AttributeError: cb = im.cbar ticks = cb.get_ticks() cb.set_ticks(ticks[:-1] + np.diff(ticks) / 2) cb.set_ticklabels(cblabels) return im
[docs] def plot_fmask(fmask, legend=True, **plot_kwargs): """ Plot an enumerated FMask flag image with human-readable colours. Parameters ---------- fmask : xr.DataArray A DataArray containing Fmask flags. legend : bool Whether to plot a legend. Default True. plot_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed on to DataArray.plot. Returns ------- plot """ cmap = mcolours.ListedColormap([ np.array([0, 0, 0]) / 255, # nodata - 0 np.array([132, 162, 120]) / 255, # clear - 1 np.array([208, 207, 206]) / 255, # cloud - 2 np.array([70, 70, 51]) / 255, # cloud_shadow - 3 np.array([224, 237, 255]) / 255, # snow - 4 np.array([71, 91, 116]) / 255, # water - 5 ]) bounds = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] norm = mcolours.BoundaryNorm(np.array(bounds) - 0.1, cmap.N) cblabels = ['nodata', 'clear', 'cloud', 'shadow', 'snow', 'water'] try: im = fmask.plot.imshow(cmap=cmap, norm=norm, add_colorbar=legend, **plot_kwargs) except AttributeError: im = fmask.plot(cmap=cmap, norm=norm, add_colorbar=legend, **plot_kwargs) if legend: try: cb = im.colorbar except AttributeError: cb = im.cbar ticks = cb.get_ticks() cb.set_ticks(ticks[:-1] + np.diff(ticks) / 2) cb.set_ticklabels(cblabels) return im
[docs] def plot_variable_images(img_collection): """ Plot a dynamic number of images from a xarray dataset that includes Date and Index in the title. Optional ability to also include the sensor in the title if a 'sensor' attribute is added to the dataset using dataset.assign_attrs Parameters ---------- img_collection : xr.Dataset A Dataset containing imagery with RBG bands Returns ------- plot """ # Check that img_collection is a xarray dataset if not isinstance(img_collection, xr.Dataset): raise TypeError("img_collection must be a xarray dataset.") # Calculate number of images in `img_collection` plot_count = img_collection.dims["time"] # Check if dataset has 0 images if plot_count == 0: if hasattr(img_collection, "sensor"): raise ValueError("The {} dataset has no images to display for the " "given query parameters".format(img_collection.sensor)) else: raise ValueError("The supplied xarray dataset has no images to " "display for the given query parameters") # Divide the number of images by 2 rounding up to calculate the # number of rows for the below figure are needed plot_rows = math.ceil(plot_count / 2) # Construct a figure to visualise the imagery f, axarr = plt.subplots(plot_rows, 2, figsize=(10, plot_rows * 4.5), squeeze=False) # Flatten the subplots so they can easily be enumerated through axarr = axarr.flatten() # Iterate through each image in the dataset and plot # each image as a RGB on a subplot for t in range(plot_count): rgb( img_collection.isel(time=t), bands=["nbart_red", "nbart_green", "nbart_blue"], ax=axarr[t], robust=True, ) # Test to see if the dataset has a custom 'sensor' attribute. # If so, include the string in each subplot title. if hasattr(img_collection, "sensor"): title = ( str(img_collection.time[t].values)[:10] + " || Index: " + str(t) + " || Sensor: " + img_collection.sensor ) else: title = ( str(img_collection.time[t].values)[:10] + " || Index: " + str(t) ) # Set subplot title, axis label, and shrink offset text axarr[t].set_title(title) axarr[t].set_xlabel("X coordinate") axarr[t].set_ylabel("Y coordinate") axarr[t].yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize(6) axarr[t].xaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize(6) # Adjust padding arround subplots to prevent overlapping elements plt.tight_layout() # Remove the last subplot if an odd number of images are being displayed if plot_count % 2 != 0: f.delaxes(axarr[plot_count])