Account Registration


The Digital Earth Australia analysis environment is currently available for Australian government and academic users eligible for accounts on National Computational Infrastructure (NCI).

Use the NCI Account Sign Up page with your government or academic institutional email address.

Sign up

Visit the NCI Account Sign Up page.


When signing up, you must join some Data Access projects to access DEA data.

Commercial access

Commercial entities wanting to participate in project partnerships or training with DEA should contact the DEA Helpdesk.

NCI can also provision compute and storage resources to commercial entities under contract for those looking to leverage DEA resources. It is suggested that commercial entities contact the DEA Helpdesk to help determine requirements.

Data Access

DEA Data is stored on several “GData filesystems” on the NCI. To access the data you need to request access to one or more of the Projects listed below.

Use MyNCI to view and manage your project memberships.

NCI Data Access Projects




Geoscience Australia Landsat Analysis Ready Data (Collection 3)


Geoscience Australia Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data (Collection 3)


Geoscience Australia Landsat Derivatives (Collection 3), e.g. WO, FC


Legacy Geoscience Australia Landsat Derivatives (Collection 2), e.g. NIDEM, ITEM, HLTC


Legacy Geoscience Australia Sentinel-2 Analysis Ready Data (Collection 1)